Hello World
First of all, we would like to welcome everybody to this new blog! We created it in our endeavor to provide better insights into the technical process behind developing our projects, the related infrastructure, the protocols and all the different, internal aspects of creating projects like JustChunks.
So please feel invited to tag along on our journey. We plan to add posts about different technologies that we use and how we implemented them at JustChunks from time to time, so please consider adding this blog to your bookmarks!
While we would really like to start with blogging right away, we are currently buried with lots of stuff to do, to prepare JustChunks for its beta and release. That means, we won't be able to to post here, for a few more weeks.
In the meantime, we recommend you to closely watch our regular twitter posts at @JustChunks. We post updates on the progress of the project once a week, every Saturday 19:00 CET (sadly only in German for now):
Die Klanwelt erblüht nun dank vollendeter Vegetation. Wir haben für den heutigen Rückblick viele Screenshots für euch zusammengetragen und liefern weitere Eindrücke zu den kommenden Features. 🌻
— JustChunks (@JustChunks) March 13, 2021
Schaut rein: https://t.co/CwCy96Oign pic.twitter.com/Onmeec3EQe
You might also be interested in our tech-stack. We do our best to keep it updated, but due to the rapid nature of development, it might not represent the exact state in that very moment.
We also have an official Discord server for JustChunks. Get in touch with the community, discuss our new features and read more about the social part of our journey!
Either ways, we'd like to thank you for your interest and we would love to see you here in the future, once we've written our first blog posts! Stay tuned and feel free to leave us a follow at Twitter!